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SikaTile®-190 Reinforcing Fabric

SKU# 677052
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Durable Polyester Reinforcing Type Ii Fabric For Use With Sikatile’s Waterproofing Membranes

SikaTile®-190 Reinforcing Fabric is a high-performance, type II, flexible, durable, nonwoven, polyester engineered fabric for optional use with SikaTile®-100 Moisture Guard when installed under ceramic tile or stone on residential and commercial interior applications and is used to reinforce liquid waterproof membranes.  SikaTile®-190 Reinforcing Fabric is ideal for use over areas such as cracks, coves, corners, and areas around drains when used with SikaTile®-100 Moisture Guard and can easily be cut to size with scissors or a razor knife, and easily incorporated in the liquid membrane.


    • A durable polyester reinforcing type II fabric for use with SikaTile's waterproofing membranes
    • Ideal for use over areas such as cracks, coves, corners, and areas around drains when used with SikaTile-100 Moisture Guard
    • Can easily be cut to size with scissors or a razor knife, and easily incorporated in the liquid membrane
    • Significantly reduces reflective cracking
    • Flexible and resists tearing
    • High tensile strength
    • Non-adhesive lays flat
    • 8” x 165’ roll (110 sq. ft.)
    • .30 mm thickness


    • Protect from traffic, dirt, or dust from other trades until the final installation of the floor covering
    • ▪ Do not use it as a final wear surface
    • Do not use below 40º F (4º C); do not allow membrane or substrate to be below 40ºF (4ºC) for the first 72 hours after application
    • Do not install over substrates containing asbestos
    • Do not apply over self-stick tile, particleboard, or similar types of dimensionally unstable substrates
    • Do not use over cracks or control joints subject to outof-plane movement or in-plane movement greater than 3/8" (10 mm)
    • Must be incorporated into the waterproof membrane during application
    • Avoid exposing to sharp objects that could cut or puncture the material
    • Do not use it as the primary roofing membrane


        8” x 165’ roll (110 sq. ft.)

        Shelf Life

        Product can be stored indefinitely when stored in original, sealed package

        Storage Conditions

        Store in undamaged, original, sealed package, in dry conditions

        System Structure

        White bonded fibrous mat. Thermally bonded fibers of polyethylene terephthalate and polyethylene terephthalate/adipate mat


        For suitable substrates, refer to the SikaTile®-100 Moisture Guard Product Data Sheet for all related information or consult Technical Services for installation recommendations regarding substrates and conditions not listed.


        All surfaces must be between 40º F (4º C) to 90º F (32º C) and structurally sound (deflection not to exceed 1⁄360 of the span), dry, clean, and free from oil, grease, wax, paint, old adhesives, sealers, and curing compounds. Any contaminates which inhibit proper bond must be removed. Substrate preparation should be completed following ANSI A108 AN-2 “General Requirements for Sub-surfaces”. All substrates should be plumb and true, surface deviation should not exceed 1⁄4" in 10’. Patching, leveling, or areas requiring a mortar bed should be prepared using SikaLevel® Underlayments. Movement (Expansion) joints should be provided to comply with TCNA method EJ171. Concrete must be free of any negative hydrostatic pressure and/or excessive moisture.


        SikaTile® elastomeric membranes, when properly installed in accordance with the following installation guidelines, will provide years of protection for finish flooring installations. In addition to these instructions, installers shall also reference the most current edition of American National Standards Institute (ANSI), Tile Council of North America (TCNA) Handbook for Ceramic Tile Installations, The Marble Institute of America (MIA) Dimension Stone Design Manual, NWFA (National Wood Flooring Association) and Manufacturer's instructions of selected setting materials, substrates, sub-floors, or other manufacturers being used in total, or any part of, an installed flooring system with SikaTile®. Consult your selected manufacturer of these above-mentioned components to ensure selected products are compatible with SikaTile® elastomeric membranes.

        For specific application instructions, refer to the SikaTile®-100 Moisture Guard Product Data Sheet for all related information.
