SMITH Surface-Prep Solutions designs, builds, and delivers professional prep tools from our facility in Pompano Beach, Florida.
SMITH equipment and tools help hard-working striping, pavement, and flooring contractors properly prepare surfaces to achieve all10 surface profiles.
Everything we do is to maximize the customer’s experience and achieve our vision. Processes refined over the years are thoughtfully designed to make everyone’s hard work inside and outside our company faster, easier, and more effective.
“We consider manufacturing a core competency, which give our customers an advantage,” says Rich Stankiewicz, Head of Plant. “Our equipment is custom built in-house in small batches, so we can reliably deliver quality products in the quantities needed by our customers. We are most proud of our research and development of new products, while continuously improving our established product line. Solving customer’s removal problems is a challenge I take pride in, and with our experienced personnel, flexibility and capabilities, we can ramp up quickly to meet our customers’ demanding schedules. As a quality-responsible supplier, SMITH maintains the largest inventory of machines and consumable wear components for those with a variety of scarifiers, planers, grinders, line removers, routers, groovers, shavers, scabblers, and other prep tools. And for anyone looking for better performance and cost savings, SMITH components out-perform the originals,” says Rich. “That’s because we continuously improve every product, from the cutters on up.”