SikaTile®-825 Epoxy Grout is a premium, 100% solids epoxy mortar and grout with colored quartz.
It is a three-component, non-sag, non-slump epoxy grout and mortar designed for joints from 1/16" (1.5 mm) up to 3/8" (10 mm) in width. It is water-cleanable, easy to apply, and uses colored quartz for consistent color. Ideal for countertops, high-traffic areas, and environments requiring stain and chemical resistance.
Key Features
- Used for setting and grouting ceramic and quarry tile, pavers, and mosaics
- Fills joint widths from 1/8" to 3/8" (3.2 mm to 10 mm)
- Excellent setting material for moisture-sensitive and resin-backed stones
SikaTile®-825 Epoxy Grout is a 3-component, 100% solids epoxy compound developed for sanitary applications. It can be used for setting and grouting ceramic tile, quarry tile, pavers, and mosaics on horizontal and vertical surfaces. It is also an excellent setting material for moisture-sensitive and resin-backed tile or stones, such as black, red, and green marbles, and metal-backed stone medallions. Suitable for use in commercial breweries, dairies, food processing facilities, distilleries, commercial and residential kitchens, bathrooms, and pools. It produces a high-strength mortar and grout that is stain-resistant, impermeable, and chemical- and shock-resistant.
Suitable Tile Types
- Brick and thin brick
- Cement-based precast terrazzo
- Impervious porcelain and glass tile
- Various marbles (green, black, and red)
- Natural stone tile, granite, and slate
- Vitreous, semi-vitreous, or non-vitreous tile:
- Ceramic, mosaic, quarry, cement body tile
Recommended Substrates
When used as a setting adhesive, SikaTile®-825 Epoxy Grout can be installed in most interior and exterior residential and commercial installations on floors over the following substrates:
- Brick Masonry
- Cement Backer Board1
- Cement Mortar Beds (cured)
- Cement Terrazzo
- Ceramic Tile and Stone
- Concrete
- Exterior Grade Plywood2
- Gypsum Drywall2
- Gypsum Mortar Bed
- Gypsum Oriented Strand Board2
- SikaLevel® Products
1 Consult cement backer board manufacturer for installation recommendations and to verify acceptability for exterior use.
2 Interior Use Only.
- Used for setting and grouting ceramic and quarry tile, pavers, and mosaics
- Fills joint widths from 1/8" to 3/8" (3.2 mm to 10 mm)
- Excellent setting material for moisture-sensitive and resin-backed stones
- High-strength mortar that is stain-resistant, impermeable, and chemical- and shock-resistant
- Stain-resistant and color-consistent grout
- Easy to apply with superior workability and water cleanability
- Non-sag and non-slump in joints, suitable for both floor and wall applications
- For interior and exterior applications
- Mold and mildew resistant
- No sealer required
2 Gallon (7.57 L) Commercial Unit
Color Options
Available in 12 colors. Refer to the SikaTile® grout kit or color card for actual colors.
Environmental Information
Sika® is committed to environmental responsibility in both products produced and manufacturing practices. The use of this product can contribute towards LEED® v4.1 certification:
- Up to 2 points towards MR Credit 5, Regional Materials
- Up to 1 point towards IEQ Credit 4.1, Low-Emitting Materials – Adhesives & Sealants
Approvals / Standards
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) — ANSI A108.3 and A118.6 of the American National Standards for the Installation of Ceramic Tile ASTM International (ASTM)
- Exceeds ANSI A118.3 specifications. Conforms to requirements for chemical-resistant, water-cleanable tile setting and grouting epoxy found in ANSI A108.6 and ANSI A118.3.
- Resilient Floor Covering Institute (RFCI) - Recommended Work Practices for Removal of Resilient Floor Coverings
- Tile Council of North America (TCNA) - TCNA Handbook for Ceramic Tile Installation, TCNA EJ171 Movement Joint Guidelines.
Technical Specifications
Property | Test Method | Requirement | Typical Results |
Water Cleanability | ANSI A118.3 Section 5.1 | > 80 minutes | > 90 minutes |
Initial Set | ANSI A118.3 Section 5.2 | > 2 Hours | > 5 Hours at 70°F (21°C) |
Sag in Vertical Joints | ANSI A118.3 Section 5.4 | No Change | Pass |
Shear Bond Strength to Quarry Tile | ANSI A118.3 Section 5.5 | > 1,000 psi | N/A |
Chemical Base
Epoxy resin, hardener, and colored quartz
Shelf Life
12 months from the date of production when stored in the original, sealed package
Storage Conditions
Store in undamaged, original, sealed package, in dry conditions at 73°F (23°C)
Mixing Instructions
Employ all appropriate safety equipment before use. Refer to the Safety Data Sheet for details. SikaTile®-825 Epoxy Grout parts A (2 lbs.), B (1 lb.), and C (10 lbs.) are packaged to ratios for proper curing. Stir and pour all material from the Part A containers into the mixing bucket, then repeat using Part B. Use a margin trowel to scrape all material from the containers. Add all of Part C colored powder. Always mix complete units and do not add any other materials. Use a slow-speed mixer (at 300 rpm) or manually mix with a margin trowel. Avoid prolonged mixing, which will trap air and shorten the pot life. Mix thoroughly until a homogenous, consistent color is achieved with a thick peanut butter-like consistency. Scrape the edges of the mixing container at least once during mixing. Wash tools immediately with water before the epoxy hardens. Do not place the lid on the container after the material has been mixed.
Application Instructions
Read all installation instructions before installation.
For Use as a Grout
Remove mixed SikaTile®-825 Epoxy Grout from the container and place it in small piles (if grouting a wall, place the product on kraft paper laid on the floor). Use an epoxy grout float with a sharp edge to force the grout into the joints in a continuous manner, leaving it flush with the tile edge. Ensure all joints are well-compacted and free of voids or gaps. Thoroughly remove excess grout from the tile surface before it loses its plasticity or begins to set by holding the rubber float at a 90-degree angle and dragging it diagonally across the tile surface. Clean tiles immediately after applying each unit of SikaTile®-825 Epoxy Grout by applying a liberal amount of cold water to the freshly grouted area. Scrub the tile surface diagonally to the joint line using a white nylon scouring pad. Rinse pads frequently while cleaning. Drag a clean sponge diagonally across the tile surface to remove loosened epoxy residue and water. Change water in the buckets regularly to avoid residue buildup. Do not allow SikaTile®-825 Epoxy Grout to harden on the tile surface. Avoid stepping on freshly cleaned tiles, as this could permanently damage the grout.
For Use as a Mortar
Remove the mixed SikaTile®-825 Epoxy Grout from the container and place it in piles on the floor. Choose a notched trowel with sufficient depth to achieve more than 80% mortar contact for interior applications and more than 95% for exterior, commercial floor, and wet applications. Back-butter the tile if necessary. Apply a coat of mortar using the flat side of the trowel to key the mortar into the substrate. Comb additional mortar in a single direction parallel to the shortest dimension of the tile. Spread only as much mortar as can be tiled before the product skins over. Set tiles firmly into the wet mortar and push them back and forth perpendicular to trowel lines to collapse the mortar ridges and achieve maximum coverage.
Final Clean-Up
After 24 hours, the grout installation can be cleaned with clean water. Acid cleaning is not recommended.
Movement Joints
All expansion, control, construction, cold, saw-cut, isolation, contraction, and seismic joints in the structure should continue through the tilework, as specified per TCNA Method EJ171 or TTMAC Specification Guide 09 30 00, Detail 301MJ.
Do not disturb grout or walk over installed tiles for at least 24 hours after setting. Avoid heavy traffic for at least 48 hours. For residential showers and tub surrounds, restrict use for 10 days after grouting before water immersion or chemical exposure. For steam showers, restrict use for 14 days after grouting.
Sealing is not required. Grout must fully cure for 3 days before regular cleaning. Use a neutral-pH cleaner for maintenance, followed by a clean-water rinse. Avoid harsh chemical cleaners. Remove or rinse fatty acid residue from the grout surface to prevent potential deterioration.
Cleaning Tools
Clean tools and tile with water before the material dries.
- Product Data Sheet (PDS) - 1 MB (EN)
- Fact Sheet - 1 MB (EN)
- SikaTile® Grout Color Chart - 4 MB (EN)
- SikaTile® Brochure - 8 MB (EN)
- NE 20th Court, Fort Lauderdale, Fla. - Sika at Work (PDF - 1 MB, EN)
- Safety Data Sheet (SDS) - Part A - 163 KB (EN)
- Safety Data Sheet (SDS) - Part A (Spanish) - 167 KB (ES)
- Safety Data Sheet (SDS) - Part B - 161 KB (EN)
- Safety Data Sheet (SDS) - Part B (Spanish) - 165 KB (ES)
- Safety Data Sheet (SDS) - Part C - 164 KB (EN)
- Safety Data Sheet (SDS) - Part C (Spanish) - 169 KB (ES)