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Quarrying With A TF 1100 In A Limestone Cave

Quarrying With A TF 1100 In A Limestone Cave - Diamond Tool Store

Monte Bianco srl based in Stallavena di Grezzana, province of Verona (Italy) has a TF 1100 drum cutter, sold by our local dealer Mac3.

The Simex attachment is used in the extraction of calcium carbonate from one of the two quarries owned by the company.
The low vibrations and seamless milling make the TF drum cutter particularly suitable for quarrying. On the one hand, the selective breaking of the rock mass is guaranteed, which ensures the stability of the surrounding structure; while on the other hand, TF produces crushed material of a suitable particle size, in this specific case, for subsequent grinding within the company's specialized plants, for the transformation and placing on the market.
As we read from the corporate portal of Monte Bianco srl, «calcium carbonate is in fact a natural materialwith exceptional physical and chemical properties, a fundamental component in many processes and an irreplaceable raw material in many different sectors». In fact, the uses of calcium carbonate are many and range from the zootechnical field - as an additive in the production of animal feed - to agriculture, in the fertilizer industry, as an eco-friendly material and absorbent of pollutants.
Other attempts of crushing in the quarry with the hydraulic hammer had proved ineffective, as the tip of the equipment tended to get stuck in the material, an elastic and compact limestone. Furthermore, given the sensitivity of the area, the company preferred to equip itself with a Simex drum cutter. The continuous work, the high precision and the high productivity of Simex cutter heads have made the customer extremely satisfied with the results. With an average production of 50 m³/h, it granted a constant flow of crushed material to the company's processing plants, maintaining a rapid and high-quality production chain.

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