Heavy Duty Orange Turbo Wet Core Bit

SKU: 06885
Diamond Products
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Very high quality diamond and longer coring life in medium aggregate concrete with moderate steel.

THOWL - General purpose, moderate steel, longer life

Serrated segment for faster coring.

1-1/2" BTH1500 06885
1 3/4 In. x 13 In. x 1-1/4 In. - 7 BTH1750 35416
2" BTH2000 06888
2-1/4" BTH2250 06889
2-1/2" BTH2500 06893
3" BTH3000 06896
3-1/2" BTH3500 06898
4" BTH4000 06901
4-1/4" BTH4250 06902
4-1/2" BTH4500 06905
5" BTH5000 06907
6" BTH6000 06910
7" BTH7000 06911
8" BTH8000 06914
9" BTH9000 06915
10" BTH10000 06880
12" BTH12000 06882
14 In. x 16 In. x 1-1/4 In. - 7 BTH14000 65118
16 In. x 18 In. x 1-1/4 In. - 7 BTH16000 38999
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