SpecLevel PCT (Pack of 6)

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SpecLevel PCT is a cement-based, self-leveling concrete topping that is polishable and designed for interior and exterior use.

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SpecLevel PCT produces a dense hard surface that can be diamond polished in as little as 24 hours.

Mix SpecLevel PCT with water, pour, or pump, and it will seek its own level to produce a smooth, hard wearable surface.

SpecLevel PCT dries to a light concrete gray and will accept integral color or stains.

Features & Benefits

• Easy to pump

Self-leveling concrete topping, requiring no troweling

• Can be diamond polished in 24 hours

• Accepts integral color and concrete stains

• Produces a smooth, tough, wearable surface

• SpecLevel PCT, when properly mixed, produces a self-leveling, wear topping with a flow time of 20 minutes at 70°F

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