Rough Terrain Stacker

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When goods have to be transferred over uneven and rough surfaces, look no further than the electric powered rough terrain stacker.

With its large front and back rubber tires this unit can easily be used both indoors and out. A multi-function driving handle features an infinite speed adjustment, simple controls for finding the perfect height, and an emergency reverse function. Forks are adjustable to precisely fit what it being maneuvered. And, even more, the unit is equipped with batteries, integral battery charger, and battery level indicator.

  • Large usable width to transfer a variety of product sizes
  • Diverse height ranges to meet users' needs
  • Robust capacity to maneuver items, both big and small
  • Wide wheel base for added stability
All measurements are approximate. Slight variations, tolerances or changes may occur at any time. Weights shown are approximate shipping weights.
Rough Terrain Stacker
Model Image PDF's Overall Dimensions
Raise Height
DC Powered Wt. (lbs)
RT-S-62-AF icon_approvaldrawings.jpg Warranty PDF 70"x62"x81-1/4" 2-1/8"to 62" 3,000 (2) 12V Batteries 1473

KEY: Approval Drawing = Approval Drawing -- Approval Drawing = Warranty -- Approval Drawing = Testing Certificate

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