Fork Leveler

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Designed to aid the fork lift driver in determining when the forks are level.

Unit reduces the risk of damaging or piercing product when removing it from pallet racking. Fasten the steel leveler to the mast of the fork lift. While tilting the forks to the desired angle, the fork leveler will tilt as well, showing that the forks are not currently in a horizontal position. When forks are moved back into a safe level angle, the leveler will be perfectly horizontal.

All measurements are approximate. Slight variations, tolerances or changes may occur at any time. Weights shown are approximate shipping weights.
Fork Leveler
Model Image PDFs Description Overall Size
FRK-LVL icon_approvaldrawings.jpg Compliance Certificate Fork Leveler 2-5/8"x9-1/4"x5-1/16" 5

KEY: Approval Drawing = Approval Drawing -- Approval Drawing = Warranty -- Approval Drawing = Testing Certificate

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