Folding Security Truck

SKU: FST-2744-2
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This portable cart is designed to safely hold your valuable equipment. All welded components and wire mesh walls combine to make this truck extremely tough and strong.

Center shelf folds down to create two (2) 32-1/2"H areas or remains in the up position to provide full 66-1/2"H area of storage. Special door locking latch and padlock clasp (padlock not included) for securing stored contents. Rolls on 6" x 2" molded-on-rubber swivel casters with brakes. The overall size is 44"W x 27"L x 76-1/2"H. The usable size with shelf down is 42-1/2"W x 24-1/2"D x 32-1/2"H and with the shelf up 41-1/2"W x 24"D x 66-1/2"H. Unit will fold down to 76"W x 51"D x 12"H for storage or transport.

All measurements are approximate. Slight variations, tolerances or changes may occur at any time. Weights shown are approximate shipping weights.
Folding Security Trucks
Model Image PDFs Finish Overall Size
Uniform Static
Capacity (lbs)
FST-2744-2 icon_approvaldrawings.jpg Warranty PDF Compliance Certificate Painted Gray 44"x 27"x76-1/2" 2,000 328

KEY: Approval Drawing = Approval Drawing -- Approval Drawing = Warranty -- Approval Drawing = Testing Certificate

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