Cobble Strip

SKU: 125-1G
Surface Logix
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Surface Logix's Cobble Strip is an eco-friendly low odor paint stripper and concrete stripper designed to remove various types of coatings.

Cobble Strip performs by penetrating and softening the paint film. Cobble Strip will remove most sealers, paints, and concrete stains, both solvent and water based.

Product Directions

Preparations: Before applying Cobble Strip, ensure all areas not being stripped are fully protected. Ensure all surfaces are dry prior to stripping. Water will deactivate the stripping action.

Applications: Stir the product thoroughly before use. Cobble Strip should be applied directly from the container using a roller, or sprayer.

Apply a liberal amount of Surface Logix's Cobble Strip to the surface requiring stripping. Work Cobble Strip into grooved areas.

Product Features

  • Commercial grade formulation.
  • Easy to rinse.
  • Eco friendly.


  • Horizontal Brick Pavers
  • Natural Stone
  • Concrete

Allow Cobble Strip to stand for a minimum of 30 minutes. Weather conditions, type of coating being removed, and coating thickness will determine how long Cobble Strip must dwell for stripping action to develop.

After softening of paint film begins and film starts to wrinkle, or blister begin to pressure wash the coating off of the substrate. Water will deactivate the stripper. When removing the stripper with water, ensure that rinse water does not contact areas that have not yet been stripped.

Do NOT allow Cobble Strip to dry prior to removing it. When stripping large areas, it is recommended to divide into smaller sections and strip one section at a time rather than attempting to strip the entire project.

TDS Report

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